Free syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, and HIV/Hep-C testing by Target 4 Region 5.
Monday (2nd & 4th of Each Month) Free syringe exchange services, Naloxone training and distribution, safe use supplies and recovery resources.
We'll have a table at the UofL Honors Student Council's Nonprofit Fair! Stop by and say hi! Wed 9/25/2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM University of Louisville (Red Barn)
Syringe Service Program (SSP), Naloxone training and distribution, Addiction Psychiatry, access to MOUD, fentanyl test strips, recovery resources, at the Hazelwood syringe exchange.
Lake Dreamland Fire Department (Behind Fire Station) Free Syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, HIV/Hep-C testing with Target 4 Region 5.
Free syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, and HIV/Hep-C testing by Target 4 Region 5.
Join us for a FREE Health Fair HOLY FAMILY SAFFIN CENTER 3938 POPLAR LEVEL ROAD SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 • 11AM-3PM Open to the Public • All Ages 18TH COMMUNITY HEALTH & SAFETY FAIR All ages are welcome! 60+ Exhibitors • Free Refreshments and Door Prizes • Giveaways Medication Disposal • Gun Safety • Mental, Spiritual […]
Syringe Service Program (SSP), Naloxone training and distribution, Addiction Psychiatry, access to MOUD, fentanyl test strips, recovery resources, at the Hazelwood syringe exchange.
Lake Dreamland Fire Department (Behind Fire Station) Free Syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, HIV/Hep-C testing with Target 4 Region 5.
Free syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, and HIV/Hep-C testing by Target 4 Region 5.
Syringe Service Program (SSP), Naloxone training and distribution, Addiction Psychiatry, access to MOUD, fentanyl test strips, recovery resources, at the Hazelwood syringe exchange.
Lake Dreamland Fire Department (Behind Fire Station) Free Syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, HIV/Hep-C testing with Target 4 Region 5.