Naloxone training and distribution, Addiction Psychiatry, access to MOUD, fentanyl test strips, recovery resources, at the Hazelwood syringe exchange.
Free Syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, HIV/Hep-C testing with Target 4 Region 5.
Free Syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, HIV/Hep-C testing with Target 4 Region 5.
Come help us assemble harm reduction kits! Refreshments will be provided. When: Thursday, September 15, 6pm-9pm Where: 215 W Breckinridge St. (our building) If you are available, RSVP to Debbie […]
Free Syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, HIV/Hep-C testing with Target 4 Region 5.
Free syringe exchange, Narcan training and distribution, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, recovery resources, and HIV/Hep-C testing by Target 4 Region 5.
KyHRC @ the Holy Trinity Parish Health Fair! We'll be providing Narcan, overdose reversal training, fentanyl test strips, recovery resources and more. Come by for great local organizations coming together […]
KyHRC @ the 16th Annual Holy Family Church Community Health and Safety Fair! We'll have a booth with Narcan, fentanyl test strips, overdose reversal training, recovery resources and more! When: […]
KyHRC @ the 30th Annual Redeemer Lutheran Church Community Festival and Health Fair! We'll be there with Narcan, overdose reversal training, fentanyl test strips, recovery resources and more! Free lunch […]
Free syringe exchange services, Naloxne training and distribution, safe use supplies and recovery resources.
KyHRC will have a table at the annual Harvest Health Fair at the Americana World Community Center! Come by our table for Narcan, fentanyl test strips, safe use supplies, resources […]
KyHRC will be at the MidWest Church Health Fair providing Naloxone distribution and overdose reversal training! Plus fentanyl test strips, recovery resources, safe use supplies, and more! Where: 2115 Garland […]